Stan Design


Best Jack Brand in 2024- 5 Points to Compare and Choose

The best vehicle jack brands are those that do not only provide you with high quality truck or vehicle jacks, but also exceptional customer service. 

They do not make promises of cheap prices as they acknowledge that cheap price tags come along with cheap products, yet they make cost-effective solutions. 

Nowadays, and this does not just apply to jack brands alone but to all modern-day brands, the verity of a brand can be identified through its testimonials. 

Along with these, there are many other criteria to judge and conclude any jack brand’s comparison effectiveness. Let us learn about the top 5 of those. 

5 Jack Brand Comparison Criteria 

  1. Experience- Perhaps the most important factor in determining the best jack brand among numerous others is the amount of time they have spent learning from and contributing to the industry.  It is no secret that advancements in technology have changed the business landscape rapidly. Hence, whether a jack brand is the best in the market can be easily tested by looking at how they too have advanced in their product offerings- whether they have moved past traditional mechanical vehicle jacks to adopt newer offerings like effortless hydraulic systems, etc. 
  1. Product Features- Continuing from the above point, checking out the jack features of the brand you select to choose from is essential before making a purchase. Modern features in jacks like one-touch button-operated lift systems, low-profile height adjustability and portability, floating casters and rolling bearings, etc. are an indelible mark of technological adoption and advancement. Whether a jack brand offers these product features along with others that are tailored to fit your specific needs and address your concerns must be deliberated upon.  
  1. Product Range- Next, after checking the variety of experience along with a jack brand’s amount of experience in the industry, as well as the variety of product features it offers, examining the variety or range of its products itself is imperative. The best jack brands should be offering more than one type of jack- being quite literally the jack of all trades (if not master of none). So, for instance, if you are on a brand’s page because you are looking for floor jacks, you must be able to check out their range of screw jacks, pit jacks, rolling bridge jacks, etc. This will allow you to gauge their overall capability based on what people are saying about all their products. 
  1. Client Testimonials- Following from the preceding point, client testimonials go a long way in speaking for a brand’s goodwill. Review the testimonials carefully to see exactly what people are talking about. This will give you an exact idea of the brand’s offerings, be it their product features or their overall efforts to serve their customers. It will also tell you if they might not meet your expectations and if you are better off checking out other sellers. 
  1. Price Point- Finally, the price point of a brand determines its target audience, and therefore, a lot of its quality checking and analysis processes in the design, manufacturing, and service offerings. These end-to-end operations, in turn, determine their price point, giving the relationship between the two objective entities a causal character. Ultimately, the price of the jacks in today’s digital brand and business era ends up symbolizing a lot more than just cost price for the buyer. They represent tailored experiences that the buyer, aka you, would be purchasing. 

How to Research Best Jack Brands in the Market? 

When you Google (or Bing, if you may) “Top jack brands” or “Best jack brands” or “Best vehicle jack brand” or “Best truck jack brands”, chances are the top results would appear based on their SEO (or search engine marketing efforts) rather than the actual quality of the brands. 

And let us be real- modern research method is hardly offline, like most other things. With this major online shortcoming as well as its impersonal manner, it becomes difficult to know the efficacy of the product you are looking for unless you try it yourself (which ends up costing you dearly). 

But do not worry. All is not lost. You can run a quick comparative analysis of all the top search results and conclude in no time! To get you started, we cover our top pick- Stan Design Inc. 

Stan Design Inc.- The Best Jack Brand in Canada 

Stan Design Inc., the best truck jack brand in Canada and North America, comes with over 25 years of experience in the vehicle jack industry. They work in both designing and manufacturing high-quality engineered jack products for the target markets. 

At extremely cost effective and efficient price points, they offer a range of vehicle jacks including Scorpion line of floor jacks and pit jacks, and StanJack line of rolling bridge jacks and fast lube jacks, that have lifting capacities to lift even military vehicles. 

This auto jack manufacturer delivers premium jacks designed with cutting–edge technology that are safe, reliable and stand the test of time. Their variety and range enable them to offer portable as well as fixed pit solutions. 

How do you know that Stan Design Inc. is the best vehicle jack brand in the market? If the proof of work and customer testimonials are not enough, here is how they add even more value to you by offering mastermind business solutions. 

Their fast lube jacks, for instance, allow you to offer tire rotation services, along with fast lube solutions like oil and lubricants change. According to industry statistics, you can make at least $24,000 per year by offering tire rotation to your customers. 


To sum it all up, there are a few factors that you should bear in mind while deciding on a jack brand. 

Among them the top 5 are the brand’s experience in the industry in terms of both quantity and variety, product features and range, client testimonials and price point. 

When you compare jack brands in the market, along with these objective factors, which can be an effective starting point, you should consider your own specific requirements. 

Finally, remember, a jack is only as good as its condition. A jack’s longevity ultimately depends on how you use to store and maintain i


Truck Jacks

How to Properly Maintain and Store Your Truck Jacks

Trust us when we say this, you do not want to mess with the storage and maintenance of your heavy-duty jacks such as military grade truck jacks. Or, for that matter, even your regular car jacks. 

The correct and safe usage of car jacks is an essential and fundamental life skill that every driver should possess. And with the need for usage comes the responsibility of maintaining and storing them correctly. 

It is a common perception that heavy-duty jacks or military-grade jacks lose their vigor over time. What does that mean? To solve the problem we need to break it down into small tangible chunks. 

Simply put, ‘losing vigor’ in the context of jacks can mean anything from physically breaking down (including malfunction of constituent parts and units) to mechanically shutting off (for instance hydraulic fluids drying up in hydraulic jack systems). 

Or, from operating inefficiently (like lifting or lowering slower than it used to) or degrading in quality (due to rust or corrosion) to hindering productivity or becoming unsafe or outdated for continued usage, to name a few among other things. 

And well sure, most of these issues are bound to happen over a considerable period of time after sufficient usage, they can still be effectively handled to be postponed by enhancing their longevity simply by storing and maintaining their carefully. 

After all, jacks like heavy duty jacks or military grade jacks are essential tools for the maintenance of the long-term operational health of your vehicle, as well as your emergency aid for quick and cheap automotive fixes.

However, it is no rocket science, everyone can do it with a little patience and our guide. Happy learning! 

Checklist For Regular Inspections – Common Mistakes to Avoid

The first step to maintain truck jacks properly is to create a robust checklist for regular inspections, as it would not only help you easily avoid common mistakes associated with the process, but also save you time and money in the long run.

Read our comprehensive checklist for avoiding the top 3 mistakes people make while using and maintaining jacks. Feel free to refer to it for getting started.

  1. Prevention is cure. That is why choosing the right jack for your vehicle tops our list. If your jack is compatible- its weightlifting capacity, its portability and size, its profile, etc.- with your vehicle then it automatically lowers the possibility of injuring itself, your car, or the person wielding it (including yourself). 
  2. Knowing its type. Understanding the method of operation of your jack- that is, whether it is a hydraulic jack or an air bag jack, for instance – will enable you to know where and what to look at for inspecting its health. For instance, hydraulic fluids naturally run out after continued usage, needing refills without which the jacks refuse to function properly. So, keeping it in check can take care of that issue. 
  3. Keeping a lookout for dents or broken parts on and of your jack. This is a clear giveaway that your jack is set to malfunction sooner rather than later and you might want to get it fixed before it hurts you- something most people tend to ignore, ultimately paying dearly for it in times of distress. 

5 Easy Steps to Maintain, Clean, and Lubricate your Jack

There is no easy way of putting it but the longevity of jacks- be it heavy duty jacks, military grade jacks, regular bottle or floor jacks, scissor or pit jacks, or any other variant- solely depend on your quality of storage and maintenance.

Also Read: Streamlining Oil Change Operations

So, here are 5 easy steps to maintain, clean, and lubricate your Jack. We will cover their proper storage techniques and ideal storage conditions in the following section before ending this blog.

  1. Set up a maintenance routine to keep inspections regular without forgetting about it. Even though jacks rarely demand any attention, meaning you can inspect them twice or thrice a year, but please keep an eye out for unusual issues and do not hesitate to consult professionals as not all repairs are DIY (do it yourself) friendly. 
  2. Release pressure before putting away the jack. Bleed the cylinders regularly before storage when the jack seems to strain in lifting and supporting loads. Not only does releasing the pressure make the tool more compact and easier to store, but it also releases stress on the system that can contribute to the deterioration of various components, enhancing its overall performance. 
  3. Use a damp cloth to clean the dirt before it settles and gets sticky. Grease, the numero uno lubricant for most jacks, tends to attract a lot of dirt because of its texture and character. Settled dust and the moisture from the grease can lead to the deterioration, rusting and clogging within mechanical and structural components. 
  4. Use quality oil, grease, or hydraulic fluid to lubricate your jack as and when necessary. This will reduce unnecessary friction which leads to premature wear and tear within the mechanical and structural components of jacks. It is a contributing factor in ensuring the long-term health of your jack. Regularly inspect for oil levels (in hydraulic jacks) and refill it accordingly. 
  5. Keep the cylinders dry and out of water. You should make every effort to ensure that water does not get into the system and mix with oil. In the unfortunate event that the water mixes with oil the floor jack tends to become useless as far as the lifting capacity goes. 

Storage – Proper Techniques and Ideal Conditions

Perhaps, the easiest trick to solve in the puzzle of maintaining your precious little tool’s efficacy is the storage. 

Just store it in a clean and dry area, away from sunlight or moisture and you are good to go! 

This will not only help prevent rusting of essential components, but also save you the pain of losing a fine tool because of the smallest oxidation deterioration as it renders them completely useless. 

Also, remember to store your jacks upright to prevent oil leaks, and follow the above instructions carefully and refrain from using low-quality products since they may end up destroying the overall functionality of the jack


Hydraulic Jacks

The Role of Hydraulic Jacks in Emergency Vehicle Maintenance

Whether you plan to hit the country road or take a short trip to the beachside, whether it is sunny or there is a forecast of rain, you must always be ready with a kit for the emergency maintenance of vehicles. And hydraulic jacks are an indispensable constituent component of the kit. 

Why Hydraulic Jacks? 

Hydraulic jacks work using the principle of Pascal’s law of fluid mechanics. Broken down, it means that when there’s an increase in pressure at any point in a confined incompressible fluid, that pressure change is transmitted throughout the entire fluid. 

In other words, any change in pressure applied to a fluid in a closed system is transmitted undiminished to all parts of the fluid and the container walls. When this principle is applied in hydraulic jacks today, it helps eliminate manual labour. Here is how. 

How Do Hydraulic Jacks Work? 

To understand simply the workings of a hydraulic jack, let us consider the example of a hydraulic system of operation, consisting of the following broad components:

  • hydraulic oil, 
  • reservoir or buffer or oil tank, 
  • main cylinder or ram, 
  • release valve, 
  • control valve, 
  • check valve, 
  • lifting arm or pad, 
  • hydraulic pump with piston or plunger, and 
  • pump lever or handle.  

The reservoir or buffer or oil tank is the physical compartment of the hydraulic jack that holds the hydraulic liquid or pump oil together when it is not in use. The control valve stays in a closed position when the hydraulic jack is not in use to prevent the accidental flow of oil. 

The piston is responsible for lifting the heavy load or weight. It is usually mechanically activated by shifting the positions of the handle or pump lever attached to it. This movement builds up pressure in the hydraulic fluid contained inside the reservoir or buffer tank of the hydraulic jacks.

When the handle or lever of the hydraulic pump with piston or plunger is mechanically lowered or raised, it activates force and builds up pressure in the adjoining compartment, i.e., the reservoir or buffer tank containing the hydraulic fluid or pump’s oil, inside hydraulic jacks. 

The pressure created allows the fluid to move through a check valve into the ram or main cylinder, which then pops out of the main body of the hydraulic jack creating the force required to lift the load. 

This applied pressure is what transfers the oil from the pump through the check valve and into the main cylinder or the ram, which extends out of the hydraulic jack body. Finally, the release valve relieves the built pressure for easy retraction and lowering of the ram with the load on it, creating the required lifting force and lifting the load. 

Vehicle Jacks by Stan Design – Hydraulic Jack Systems 

Stan Design Inc. is the best hydraulic jack manufacturer and designer in Canada and North America. It uses state-of-the-art hydraulic technology to design and manufacture some of the most advanced hydraulic jacks in the market at affordable prices, without compromising on the quality. 

With over 25 long years of experience in the industry, they have mastered the art and science of designing and manufacturing to delivering automotive lifting solutions, using the finest materials that last longer, perform better, are safe, reliable and stand the test of time, and look aesthetically stunning, while at it. 

By adhering to the strictest safety and quality standards in the industry, their products are tested and certified by reputable organizations such as CSA Group, UL, CE, ISO, etc. They also offer warranties and sales support to all our customers so that they can utilize our products to their full extent, something that is missing from other sellers in the market.

Stan Design Inc. bridges the gap between the vacuum left by the lack of standardization of quality checks to measure the efficacy of compact automotive lifting solutions (like vehicle jacks that lift passenger vehicles) and those for heavy duty or armored military vehicles, by manufacturing jacks for both kinds and everything in between. 

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Advantages of Stan Design Inc. Hydraulic Jacks:

  • Safety – Safety features in Stan Design Inc. hydraulic jacks include an in-built 3-stage locking mechanism system that engages automatically at different heights, excluding the requirement of any extra stands or chocks to secure the vehicle. 
  • Convenience – The Stan Design Inc. hydraulic jack lifts your vehicle with the touch of a button, well two- one to lift and one to lower- attached to a detachable remote-control pendant, and an extendable pull handle that makes it simple to position the jack under the vehicle. 
  • Maneuverability – All the Stan Design Inc. vehicle jacks have four full floating casters or wheels, made of special roller bearings that reduce friction and wear, allowing for easy rolling and maneuvering. 
  • Durability – The Stan Design Inc. hydraulic jack is made of high-grade fine steel material and coated with a high gloss powder paint, along with zinc plated components and accessories that resist oxidation, deterioration, corrosion and rust, while enhancing their durability. 

Stan Design Inc. Hydraulic Jack Models to Choose From in 2024: