Stan Design


Everything You Need to Know About Electric Vehicles and EV Battery Recharge

Know About Electric Vehicles and EV Battery Recharge

High-powered electric vehicles (EVs) are easy to fall in love with! They are quiet, have low maintenance costs, lower running costs, arguably better performance, higher resale values, and so on and so forth. Basically, they are an amazing combination of both savvy and security! 

Features of Electric Vehicles 

Besides, they are mad environment friendly. With increasing awareness about the ramifications- both short term and long term- of climate change and environmental pollution (air, water, soil, sound, etc.), concerns and policies to curb them are increasing too. 

Consumers are rightfully seeking eco-friendly alternatives over traditional fossil fuel-powered (petrol, diesel, etc.) vehicles. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that electric vehicles (EVs) have taken the markets by storm and their market share and market cap are on a steady rise. 

Advantages of Electric Vehicles 

Another factor alluded to the rise of electric vehicles is their detailed attention and special contributions to safety precautions which are technologically advanced relative to traditional vehicles. These cutting-edge safety features, such as collision prevention systems and electronic stability control, lower accident risks. 

Perhaps the biggest advantage of an electric vehicle is the convenience of charging its battery at home for the short term. With portable electric vehicle service equipment, often term charger wrongly but commonly, you can charge your EV battery overnight while asleep for uninterrupted and continuous driving without recharging concerns. 

However, charging batteries does not mean that changing batteries is necessarily convenient to be done yourself. You need the help of professional specialists with efficient and necessary tools, like EV battery lift tables, at their disposal. 

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure 

Over time, electric vehicle batteries can experience capacity degradation, which may lead to reduced driving range and performance. And EV battery replacements can be expensive.  

Despite the convenience of charging your electric vehicles overnight at home for the short term, for the longer run, setting up home charging stations comes at a huge cost, and do not even begin to cover battery replacement equipment kit. 

Charging your electric vehicle batteries at home with the domestic electrical power supply increases your electricity bill considerably, burning massive holes through your pockets. Besides, if you set up a charging station at home, there could be high installation charges and constant upgrades may lead to increased overall cost. 

That, coupled with the unavailability or limited availability of charging stations, which is far from matching the convenience and widespread availability of gas stations, makings recharging and replacing electric vehicle batteries at commercial garages or professional workshops ideal. Additionally, that balances the higher purchase price, made up mainly due to battery technology costs. 

Why Recharge Your EV Batteries from Professionals? 

Simple answer – tools – advanced and accurate. 

Specific answer- Engine and transmission lift table. Wondering what that is? Well, it should suffice to say that it is perhaps the single most important tool in the kit of EV recharge equipment. But for your better understanding, we shall elaborate on it further. 

Basically, these are scissor jacks fitted underneath a flat, solid board (or table) which lifts it when worked upon using hydraulic force (for example, Stan Design Lift Table for sale). Models like the Stan Design Lift Table TA2600 Manual offer unparalleled lifting prowess without burning a hole in your pocket. 

How Does the Stan Design Lift Table TA2600 Manual Work? 

The Stan Design Lift Table for sale is basically a scissor jack that works with dual hydraulics design and power pack system. Where conventional jacks wear out easily, hydraulic jacks are commonly used to lift loads high and heavy with ease, safety and speed for any maintenance purpose. 

Its components work in accordance with Pascal’s law (also known as Pascal’s principle, or the principle of transmission of fluid-pressure), to produce applications in a range of fields beyond the automotive industry. 

But for the sake of this blog, we will only explore its mechanism in helping lift heavy electric vehicles or EVs off the ground for battery pack recharge or replacement, repairs and maintenance. 

Hydraulic jacks are mechanical devices used to lift heavy loads and forces like trucks, sports utility vehicles, or other types of cars, among other heavyweight items. The anatomy of any auto hydraulic jack can be broken down into these main parts, namely: 

  • Reservoir or buffer tank 
  • Pump with piston or plunger 
  • Pump lever or handle 
  • Check valve 
  • Main cylinder or ram 
  • Release valve 
  • Handle 

The reservoir or buffer tank is the physical compartment of the floor jack which holds the hydraulic fluid or pump oil. When the handle or lever of the pump with piston or plunger is mechanically lowered or raised, it builds up pressure in the adjoining compartment, i.e., the reservoir or buffer tank containing the hydraulic fluid or pump’s oil. 

This applied pressure is transferred from the pump through a check valve and into the main cylinder or the ram, which extends out of the jack body creating the required lifting force and lifting the load. 

Stan Design Inc. Engine and Transmission Lift Table Model TA2600 Manual Specifications 

Now effortlessly lift EVs of up to 2600 lbs. with Stan Design Inc.’s low form factor lift table. Replace batteries with great ease and safety, as our lift table comes fitted with dual high-capacity hydraulic cylinders that run on shop air. Safely & efficiently remove entire assemblies or install transmission. 

  • Engine Lift Table 
  • 2600 Lb. Cap 
  • Air/ Hydraulic Design 
  • Air/ Hydraulic Power Pack 
  • 30 Inch X 51 Inch 
  • Drilled and Tapped Surface for mounting fixtures 
  • Extendable Top Deck 
  • Deck angle also adjustable 
  • Maximum Lift 75 Inches 
  • Convenient Pull Handle 
  • Dual Hydraulics 
  • Locking Casters 
  • Optional Remote Operated 
  • Pump Unit 
  • Optional Fixtures Kit 

Accessories – Engine Fixture Kit 

  • 4 Engine Stands Short 
  • 4 Engine Stands Long 
  • 8 Location Pins 
  • 4 Rubber Pads 
  • 1 Transmission Adapter 
  • 1 Plumb Bob 
  • 1 Connector Bar